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Fermanagh Rural Community Network 2020 Awards: Winners announced

FERMANAGH Rural Community Network (FRCN) has announced the winner of the Gabriel D’Arcy Perpetual Cup.

Mary Rutledge, of Derrygonnelly Running Club, was awarded the cup during the Annual General Meeting and Celebrating Community Achievement Awards, which were held online in a Zoom meeting on Monday, October 19.

In the Celebrating Community Achievement Awards, winners were announced in the two categories, ‘An Individual Who Has Made a Difference’, and ‘The Community Activity’ award.

FRCN presented the Gabriel D’Arcy Perpetual Cup, which was commissioned in memory of founding member Gabriel D’Arcy, to Mary, who was nominated for her efforts in establishing Derrygonnelly Running Club as a cross-community all-ability running club.

The nomination noted that Mary has earned a lot of respect and became a role model through her constant voluntary commitment and support that is delivering lasting results and achievements for those who are participating in the running club.

It was noted that there are more than 30 members of the club, and Mary mentors the group every week on a completely voluntary basis, making all the members – who are aged from 18 to 70-plus – believe in themselves and improve their physical and mental health, and general wellbeing.

The club’s participants have moved from walking socially to now participating in 5ks, 10ks and marathons.

It was also noted that Mary has undertaken numerous fundraising initiatives through running, with a recent example being raising more than £1,400 for the Aisling Centre in July.

Reacting to the news, Mary said: “I’m still in shock – I didn’t even realise I had been nominated. There are a lot of people who are so deserving.”

When asked why she takes the running club, Mary said: “I see the sense of achievement in everybody and, for me, that’s the highlight.

“I love seeing them back after a run, smiling with their achievement, and for some it’s not just physical health, it helps mentally, too.”

The Community Activity award was presented to the ‘Carrowshee Park/Sylvan Hill Community Association’, that has been very active in its community, providing activities for all age groups from children through to older people throughout the year.

The volunteer committee, along with its youth worker and recently appointed community development worker, has continued to communicate with its local community and came up with many novel ideas to ensure that community needs were met.

The committee also worked to combat the isolation, boredom and desolation brought about by the Covid-19 crisis.

Certificates of Recognition

Certificates of Recognition were presented to all those other nominated individuals who have made a positive difference in their local communities.

These included the following:

Grant Clarke – Magheraveely Community Development Association.

He was nominated for his long track record of community activity, with highlights being the re-establishment of the Community Development Association.

Phyllis Fegan – Cavanaleck Community Association.

Phyllis has served as Chairperson of the association of the committee.

Allison Forbes – South West Age Partnership.

Allison was nominated for her work as Director of South West Age Partnership.

Jill Harradence – Kesh Evergreens Senior Citizens Club.

It was noted that Jill is a committed member of the club, having served as Secretary for more than 10 years.

Dianne Little – Letterbreen & Mullaghdun Partnership.

During Covid-19, she has concentrated her efforts on having food grown locally that could then be distributed through the Enniskillen food bank.

Margaret Maguire – Trendsetters (Age Concern) Irvinestown.

Margaret was nominated for her work as an active member of the Trendsetters committee for more than 10 years.

Sean McGovern – Barnlee Crafts and Charity Shop.

Sean was nominated for his voluntary work over the past eight years with the shop.

Tara McLoughlin – Derrygonnelly Covid-19 Community Response.

It was noted that Tara stepped in and took on a role of delivering meals and food supplies during the Covid-19 lockdown without hesitation.

Michelle Swift – Boho Community Association.

Michelle was nominated for her actions during the pandemic when she stepped in and volunteered to coordinate a meals service for vulnerable persons in the Boho area.

Owen Wilson – Bellanaleck Community Group.

Owen has been nominated for his work undertaken to ensure that the needs of Bellanaleck community and village are addressed, and it was noted “he always carries out his administration to perfection”.

During the evening, FRCN Chairperson Louise McLaughlin welcomed the more than 50 persons in attendance using Zoom to what was the network’s 26th AGM, and 19th time of holding its Celebrating Community Achievements Awards.

Barry Boyle, Network Co-ordinator, gave an overview of the work of FRCN over the past year, providing practical and timely community developmental support and advice for groups throughout County Fermanagh.

Guest speakers included John Boyle, Director of Community, Health and Leisure with Fermanagh and Omagh District Council; and Amanda Pawar, Bronagh Diamond, and Charlie Thomas, all of The National Lottery Community Fund, who gave an address on available funding for community projects.

Certificates of Recognition were presented to all other groups who were nominated:

• Cavanaleck Community Association

• Cleenish Parish Sports

• Letterbreen & Mullaghdun Partnership

• South East Fermanagh Foundation

• Tir Navar Centre Covid Meals Service

26 October

Fermanagh Rural Community Network awards 2019

18 March

Community Information Meeting