Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2024/2025 Tranche 2
to 5 Dec

Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2024/2025 Tranche 2

Fermanagh Rural Community Network wish to inform you that the DAERA Rural Micro Capital Grants Scheme 2024/2025 Tranche 2 is now open for applications until 12pm Midday on Thursday 5 December 2024.

This Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs under the Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Programme and is being delivered in the Fermanagh and Omagh area by and Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) and Omagh Forum for Rural Associations (OFRA)

Key objectives

The DAERA Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2024/2025 Tranche 2 has been designed to:

· Help rural community-led, voluntary groups to address local issues of access poverty, financial poverty and social isolation;

· Improve the lives of rural communities, and in particular the wellbeing of isolated individuals; and,

· In line with the draft Green Growth Strategy for Northern Ireland provide opportunity to community-led, voluntary groups to implement energy efficiency measures / environmental improvements.

The Grant Scheme

Micro Capital grants between £500 and £2,000 are available to rural community-led, voluntary organisations for projects tackling issues of local poverty and / or social isolation, and / or implementing energy efficiency measures / environmental improvements.

Projects must focus on one of the following four themes:

·         Modernisation (of building(s) / assets).

·         Information Communication Technology (ICT). 

·         Health and Wellbeing.

·         Energy Efficiency* / Environment Improvement**.

*To encourage local communities to implement energy efficiency / environmental improvements eligible costs may include, e.g., draft proofing, double glazed windows, change of lighting to LED, light sensors/timers, insulation, replace kettles with a water boiler.

**Environmental improvements eligible costs may include the purchase of 100% gardening equipment, e.g. tunnel kits, pots, spades, hoes and raised beds. A maximum 15% of the overall project costs may be used to purchase plants, trees, hedges, flowers etc. (Plants / shrubs / flowers must be perennial, i.e. plants that live multiple seasons).

The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme can offer grant aid from 50% up to 85% of the total eligible cost of your project. 

NB: The total project cost must not exceed £4,000 and the minimum project cost is £588.24

You can purchase whatever number of items you require to meet your groups needs, provided the total cost does not exceed £4,000. And you can purchase items from multiple suppliers.

Match funding for your contribution of at least 15% must be in the form of a ‘cash’ contribution. Labour or ‘in-kind’ contributions will not be accepted.

In order to ensure that as many groups as possible get the opportunity to benefit from this Scheme, organisations can only make one application to the Scheme.

Guidance Notes

A copy of the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme (RMCGS) 2024/2025 Tranche 2 Guidance Notes for Applicants are available by clicking on the box below.

Please read these Guidance Notes fully, before starting your organisations grant application as there are a number of changes from previous schemes.

Pre Application Information Sessions

Pre-Application Information and Clarification Sessions Presentation

Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) and Omagh Forum for Rural Associations (OFRA) have delivered a number of Pre-application Information Sessions and a copy of a presentation given at these is available by clicking on the box below  

Online Application Form Link

Further Information and the Online Application Form are available at the following link:

When registering for the Rural Micro Capital Grants Scheme 2024/2025 Tranche 2 please use the nidirect government services tab:

Further Support

If you require any information, advice or support on making an application to the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2024/2025 Tranche 2, please do not hesitate to contact us in Fermanagh Rural Community Network on 028 6632 7006 or by email:

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to 21 Oct

Fermanagh Rural Community Network “Awards 2024 - Celebrating Your Achievements”

Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) are pleased to announce the 23rd year of our Community Awards scheme to celebrate the work of Community & Voluntary Organisations in County Fermanagh

Nominations are requested from Organisations under the following categories:

1. Award for: Local Community Activity (In the last 12 months)

2. Award for: An Individual who has made a difference in your area

Only Nominations on the FRCN Awards 2024 Nomination Form will be accepted

Nomination Form for Local Community Activity Award is available to download here:

Nomination Form for An Individual Who Has Made a Difference in Your Area Award is available to download here:

If you are unable to download Nomination Forms, hard copies are available by contacting Fermanagh Rural Community Network on tel. no.: 028 6632 7006 or by e-mail:

All Organisations are encouraged to submit at least one nomination

Deadline for Award Nominations is Monday 14th October 2024

In Co-ordinating this Awards scheme, FRCN as the Local Rural Support Network for County Fermanagh, is proud to celebrate the skills, services, and projects developed & delivered by Organisations and Communities throughout the County

Awards Winners will be announced at the “Awards 2024 Celebrating Your Achievements” & Fermanagh Rural Community Network Annual General Meeting on Monday 21st October 2024

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DAERA Rural Micro Capital Grants Scheme 2024/2025 are OPEN NOW
to 8 Jul

DAERA Rural Micro Capital Grants Scheme 2024/2025 are OPEN NOW

This Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs under the Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Programme and is being delivered in the Fermanagh and Omagh area by and Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) and Omagh Forum for Rural Associations (OFRA)

Key objectives

The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2024/2025 has been designed to:
  • Help rural community-led, voluntary groups to address local issues of access poverty, financial poverty and social isolation;
  • Improve the lives of rural communities, and in particular the wellbeing of isolated individuals; and,
  • In line with the draft Green Growth Strategy for Northern Ireland provide opportunity to community-led, voluntary groups to implement energy efficiency measures / environmental improvements.

The Grant Scheme

Micro Capital grants between £500 and £2,000 are available to rural community-led, voluntary organisations for projects tackling issues of local poverty and / or social isolation, and / or implementing energy efficiency measures / environmental improvements. 
Projects must focus on one of the following four themes:
  • Modernistaion (of building(s) / assets).
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT).
  • Health and Wellbeing.
  • Energy Efficiency* / Environment Improvement**.
The Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme can offer grant aid from 50% up to 85% of the total eligible cost of your project. 

NB: The total project cost must not exceed £4,000 and the minimum project cost is £588.24 **You can purchase whatever number of items you require to meet your groups needs, provided the total cost does not exceed £4,000. And you can purchase items from multiple suppliers.**

Match funding for your contribution of at least 15% must be in the form of a ‘cash’ contribution. Labour or ‘in-kind’ contributions will not be accepted.
In order to ensure that as many groups as possible get the opportunity to benefit from this Scheme, organisations can only make one application to the Scheme.
*To encourage local communities to implement energy efficiency / environmental improvements eligible costs may include, e.g., draft proofing, double glazed windows, change of lighting to LED, light sensors/timers, insulation, replace kettles with a water boiler.
**Environmental improvements eligible costs may include the purchase of 100% gardening equipment, e.g. tunnel kits, pots, spades, hoes and raised beds. A maximum 15% of the overall project costs may be used to purchase plants, trees, hedges, flowers etc. (Plants / shrubs / flowers must be perennial, i.e. plants that live multiple seasons).

Guidance Notes

A copy of the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme (RMCGS) 2024/2025 Guidance Notes for 
Applicants are available by clicking on the box below. 
Please read these Guidance Notes fully, before starting your groups grant application as there are a number of changes from previous schemes. 

Online Application Form Link

Further Information and the Online Application Form are available at the following link:

When registering for the Rural Micro Capital Grants Scheme 2024/2025 please use the nidirect government services tab:

Pre-Application Information and Clarification Sessions Presentation

Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) and Omagh Forum for Rural Associations (OFRA) have delivered a number of Pre-application Information Sessions and a copy of a presentation given at these is available by clicking on the box below   
If you require any information or advice on making an application to the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2024/2025, please do not hesitate to contact us in Fermanagh Rural Community Network on 028 6632 7006 or by email:
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to 6 Jan

Household Visit Enabler

Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) are currently delivering a number of projects in County Fermanagh. Some of these projects are working to support households.

 FRCN wish to recruit for the following position: Household Visit Enabler

This is a fixed term post initially for 4 months for 12 hours per week

The successful candidate will be required to undertake data collection and carry out household visits as assigned by Fermanagh Rural Community Network, undertake follow up work of making referrals and liaising with supported household.

Applicants for the post must hold a valid driving licence and have access to suitable transport.

Salary: Real Living Wage £12.00 per Hour

Job Description & Personal Specification and Application Form can be obtained by clicking on the links below.

If you are having difficulty downloading the documents, please email Fermanagh Rural Community Network on:

Application Forms must be delivered by the closing date of 4pm Thursday 4th January 2024 to:

Fermanagh Rural Community Network

3 Queen Street


County Fermanagh

BT74 7JR


FRCN are an Equal Opportunities Employer

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Fermanagh Rural Community Network “Awards 2023 - Celebrating Your Achievements”

Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) are pleased to announce the 22nd year of our Community Awards scheme to celebrate the work of Community & Voluntary Organisations in County Fermanagh

Nominations are requested from Organisations under the following categories:

1. Award for: Local Community Activity (In the last 12 months)

2. Award for: An Individual who has made a difference in your area

Only Nominations on the FRCN Awards 2023 Nomination Form will be accepted

Nomination Form for Local Community Activity Award is available to download here:

Nomination Form for An Individual who has made a difference in your area award is available to download here:

If you are unable to download Nomination Forms, hard copies are available by contacting Frances on tel. no.: 028 6632 7006 or by e-mail:

All Organisations are encouraged to submit at least one nomination

Deadline for Award Nominations is Monday 9th October 2023

In Co-ordinating this Awards scheme, FRCN as the Local Rural Support Network for County Fermanagh, is proud to celebrate the skills, services, and projects developed & delivered by Organisations and Communities throughout the County

Awards Winners will be announced at the “Awards 2023 Celebrating Your Achievements” & Fermanagh Rural Community Network Annual General Meeting on Monday 16th October 2023

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to 19 Nov

‘Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering’ (Basic Food Hygiene) Course

Fermanagh Rural Community Network are holding a ‘Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering’ (Basic Food Hygiene) Course as follows:

Date:   Saturday 19th November 2022

Venue: Derryvullan South Parish Hall, Gola Road, Tamlaght

Time:   9.30am - 4pm

Places are limited on this free course and must be booked in advance

Please book a place by Friday 4th November with Fermanagh Rural Community Network on 028 6632 7006 or by email:

Tea & Coffee will be provided but we ask that participants bring their own lunch

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to 10 Oct

Community Development Officer

Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) has been successful in obtaining funding from the Start Here Programme, that is being delivered by Rank Foundation for The Department of Communities, to fund employment of a person in an entry level position for three years.

This role provides a new opportunity for a person with an interest in community development support to enter and progress within the voluntary and community sector. 

FRCN wish to recruit for the following position.

Community Development Officer


The successful candidate of Community Development Officer will be working as part of the network team in the provision of community development support for rural community organisations and individuals, through network services and programmes.

 Salary: £19,650 plus 5% pension contribution.

 At all times this post is subject to the availability of funding.

 Applicants for this post must hold a valid driving licence and have access to suitable transport and be willing to work unsociable hours.

Application Form, Job Description and Personnel Specification for the post can be obtained by clicking on the links below.

If you are having difficulty downloading the documents, please email Fermanagh Rural Community Network on:

Signed hard copy Application Forms must be delivered in an Envelope Marked ‘Community Development Officer’ and the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form placed in a separate envelope, by the closing date of 12 noon Monday 10th October 2022 to:

Fermanagh Rural Community Network

3 Queen Street


County Fermanagh

BT74 7JR

FRCN are an Equal Opportunities Employer

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to 17 Oct

Fermanagh Rural Community Network “Awards 2022 - Celebrating Your Achievements”

Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) are pleased to announce the 21st year of our Community Awards scheme to celebrate the work of Community & Voluntary Organisations in County Fermanagh

All Organisations should submit at least one nomination

Nominations are requested from Organisations for the following categories:

1. Award for: Local Community Activity (In the last 12 months)

2. Award for: An Individual who has made a difference in your area

Only Nominations on the FRCN Awards 2022 Nomination Form will be accepted.

Nomination Forms are also available to download here:

or by contacting Frances on tel. no.: 028 6632 7006

or by e-mail:

Deadline for Award Nominations is Monday 3rd Oct 2022

In Co-ordinating this Awards scheme, FRCN as the Local Rural Support Network for County Fermanagh, is proud to celebrate the skills, services, and projects developed & delivered by Organisations and Communities throughout the County.

Awards Winners will be announced at the “Awards 2022 Celebrating Your Achievements” & Fermanagh Rural Community Network Annual General Meeting on Monday 17th October 2022

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to 31 Mar

Trusting and Sharing Space Programme

Fermanagh Rural Community Network wish to inform your group that Fermanagh and Omagh District Council have awarded our organisation working in collaboration with Peter Osborne of the Osborne Partnership, the contract to deliver ‘The Trusting and Sharing Space Programme’ within The Fermanagh & Omagh District Council Area. This programme is funded under The Executive Office, District Council Good Relations Programme as part of the Executive’s wider ‘Together: Building a United Community (T:BUC)’ Strategy.

The aim of this ‘The Trusting and Sharing Space Programme’ is, “to promote a greater understanding and respect for cultural diversity locally linked to the perceived single identity spaces through events and activities which explore and enhance awareness of each other’s cultures, which enables the community to look at their shared past and address mis-perceptions about each other’s cultures; and which encourages, promotes and develops shared space and more partnership work across cultures”.

The ‘The Trusting and Sharing Space Programme’ is to take place over the coming months up to end of March 2022 will involve the delivery of actions across the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area, including:

• Providing a programme of events that explore the role and locations of key organisations.

• Providing a range of visits and dialogue about the law, regulations, cultures and ethos of other organisations and locations.

• Enhancing trust in institutions and organisations that may be less strong within communities.

• Providing a series of visits and dialogues involving Council, PSNI, GAA, Orange Order, and other institutions.

• Facilitating discussions on event(s) exploring the impact of flags and emblems on local thoroughfares.

• Organising and delivering a series of cross community visits to each other’s premises opening their spaces and addressing any myths and misperceptions people may hold.

Fermanagh Rural Community Network wish to invite groups and organisations from across the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area to engage on this ‘Trusting and Sharing Space Programme’. This programme will provide you with opportunities to learn about other organisations and institutions and to highlight your organisations culture, heritage, and space to others within the local district.

If you require any further information or clarification about this programme, please do not hesitate to contact us in Fermanagh Rural Community Network.

All project activities will be delivered in accordance with public health guidance and regulations, relating to COVID-19 and thus activities may be in person, held virtually or using a hybrid approach.

If you wish to register your groups interest in participating in the programme, please contact Fermanagh Rural Community Network by email on: or by telephone 028 6632 7006

Looking forward to your group’s participation with us on the ‘Trusting and Sharing Space Programme.’

Barry Boyle - Fermanagh Rural Community Network

Peter Osborne - The Osborne Partnership

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Fermanagh Rural Community Network “Awards 2021 - Celebrating Your Achievements”
to 18 Oct

Fermanagh Rural Community Network “Awards 2021 - Celebrating Your Achievements”

Fermanagh Rural Community Network (FRCN) are pleased to announce the 20th year of our Community Awards scheme to celebrate the work of Community & Voluntary Organisations in County Fermanagh

All Organisations should submit at least one nomination

Nominations are requested from Organisations for the following categories:

1. Award for: Local Community Activity (In the last 12 months)

2. Award for: An Individual who has made a difference in your area

Only Nominations on the FRCN Awards 2021 Nomination Form will be accepted.

Nominate Online here:

Nominate an Individual

Nominate a Group

Nomination Forms are also available to download here:

Individual Nomination Form

Local Community Activity Nomination Form

or by contacting Frances on tel. no.: 028 6632 7006

or by e-mail:

Deadline for Award Nominations is 12 noon Monday 11th Oct 2021

In Co-ordinating this Awards scheme, FRCN as the Local Rural Support Network for County Fermanagh, is proud to celebrate the skills, services, and projects developed & delivered by Organisations and Communities throughout the County.

Awards Winners will be announced at the “Awards 2021 Celebrating Your Achievements” & Fermanagh Rural Community Network Annual General Meeting on Monday 18th October 2021.

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to 31 Jul

Fermanagh woman Kathleen crowned Community Champion in Rural Awards

Inspirational Fermanagh woman, Kathleen Breen has picked up the Housing Executive’s Rural Community Champion Award 2020.

Kathleen is a dedicated volunteer with Carrowshee Park & Sylvan Hill Community Association – as well as a number of other local community groups.

She took home the £500 award on behalf of Carrosyl Community Association who featured in the Large Village category for South Region.

The 2020 Rural Community Awards focused on rewarding the efforts made by both groups and individuals to reach out and support residents within their rural communities throughout the Coronavirus crisis. 

Isobel Cleary nominated Kathleen for the award and highlighted the local woman’s qualities as she tirelessly helped the Carrosyl community during lockdown.  

She assisted everyone in the form of providing care packages, support leaflets; activity packs and contact numbers for support services.  

Kathleen also participated in the Befriending Project for vulnerable people and constantly works to recruit volunteers for the community association. 

She said; “I was humbled to be nominated for this award and many thanks to Isobel, Community Development Worker for that.  

“I am even more delighted to receive the award for Community Champion and I take this opportunity to thank all involved.”

“In the process I would also like to applaud the support and help of my fellow dedicated and reliable committee members and volunteers in Carrosyl Community Association.”  

Since its formation in 2001, Carrosyl has worked closely with local authorities and agencies to develop and enhance the area.  

Oonagh McAvinney, South West Area Manager for the Housing Executive, congratulated Kathleen and Carrosyl Community Association for their excellent efforts during lockdown.  

She said; “The Community Champion Award is our first ever individual award and we introduced it in recognition that very often, one extraordinary community member has a vision and determination to greatly help local communities.  

“Kathleen is quite clearly a true example of this and regularly sacrifices her free time to help others with no requirement for recompense or appreciation.  

“I am delighted that Kathleen was chosen as the recipient of this award as she works hard to improve the community as a whole and is a driving force behind the community group and its outstanding efforts.”                                                                                                                                   

For more information, click online at

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Butterfly Identification & Habitat Virtual Workshop

The Lough Erne Landscape Partnership invite you to join on 23rd June at 19:30 for our virtual seminar Butterfly Species Identification and Habitat Creation Virtual Workshop with guest speaker Rachael Conway, Butterfly Conservation.

Rachael will provide an introductory session on Butterflies, introducing species which are specific to Northern Ireland and prevalent throughout the Lough Erne Landscape. Following an introduction into the many species that can be found in our local environment we will then explore how we can improve our gardens and outdoor spaces to encourage butterflies and provide suitable habitats. Rachael will showcase some of the work she has undertaken with communities and explain how you can get involved to provide a place for wildlife in your local area.

 Guest Speaker
Rachael Conway is Senior Engagement Officer for Butterfly Conservation responsible for events, recording, surveying/monitoring and work with the butterfly and moth community. Rachael is an experienced community facilitator, deeply passionate about creating habitats for wildlife in public and private land and connecting people to nature to benefit wildlife and well being.

To register for the event click here.

We look forward to you joining us on the night, If you require any further information please email

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Reminder - Community Survey
to 31 Jul

Reminder - Community Survey

Dear Member

COMMUNITY SURVEY REMINDER – Deadline for Returns this Friday 21st May 2021.

Lakeland Community Care Limited in collaboration with Fermanagh Rural Community Network are seeking the views of the Community in relation to provision of services in your local area and to develop our understanding of the needs of the local communities we operate in.

The Community Survey is pretty simple and should take approx. 5-10 minutes to complete.

Survey Link

Deadline: Friday 21st May 2021.

During this pandemic, our rural communities have suffered due to the inability for groups to meet and services have been difficult to run. In this light, we are seeking feedback from our groups we work with on the types of services our local communities require.

If you would prefer to complete the survey in paper form, please send an email requesting to and a copy for the members of your group can be sent on.

For every completed survey received, your name will be entered into a draw with the winner receiving a £50 shopping voucher for their local store.

Thanks for your ongoing support and we look forward to hearing your views.


Pat McGurn
Lakeland Community Care Limited

Barry Boyle
Fermanagh Rural Community Network

Please share this email with other members of your group / community and encourage them to complete this Community Survey by Friday 21st May 2021.

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Community Information Meeting

Community Information Meeting

Fermanagh Rural Community Network are inviting you to a virtual Community Information Meeting Thursday 18th March at 7.30pm over Zoom on:
Census 2021 and the Northern Ireland Executive Programme for Government draft Outcomes Framework Consultation

Michelle McLaughlin, Census Area Manager for Fermanagh & Tyrone will give a presentation on Census 2021, with Census Day being Sunday 21st March 2021.

“The census happens only once every 10 years. It gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in Northern Ireland. The information you give us helps decide how services are planned and funded in your local area. This could mean things like doctors’ surgeries, housing or new bus routes. It asks questions about you and your household to build a picture of us all. It looks at who we are and how we live. It provides vital information about us, our society and future needs.”

Aidan Campbell, Policy & Public Affairs Officer, Rural Community Network will give a presentation on the Programme for Government draft Outcomes Framework Consultation.

“The Outcomes in the Programme for Government Framework present a picture of the kind of society we want to see. An inclusive society in which people of all ages and backgrounds are respected and cared for and in which we all prosper. A society which has no barriers to prevent people from living fulfilling lives. The Outcomes apply equally to everyone, and no one is excluded.” “The Executive wants to receive views from across all of society.”

You will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback during the meeting.

Looking forward to you joining us on Thursday 18th March at 7.30pm

Please pass this invitation on to other members of your local community, so they can join the meeting, obtain information on Census 2021 and have a say on the Programme for Government draft Outcomes Framework.

The ZOOM login details for the Community Information Meeting are:

Join Zoom Meeting link

Meeting ID: 987 0998 7613

Passcode: 971174

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