Fermanagh Rural Community Network Staff
Barry Boyle
Network Co-ordinator & Community Development Worker
Barry has worked for Fermanagh Rural Community Network since 2003, being Network Co-Ordinator since 2010 and over this time has been involved in the FRCN core activities of providing practical support, guidance, information and networking opportunities for groups throughout County Fermanagh.
Barry represents FRCN and Fermnagh’s rural communities on a number of bodies including Fermanagh & Omagh Community Planning Partnership; Fermanagh & Omagh Community & Voluntary Sector Forum; Fermanagh Community Transport; Fermanagh & Omagh Local Action Group; Lough Erne Landscape Partnership; NIHE Rural Residents Forum; Erne East Community Partnership; Health & Social Care Board Western Commissioning Community Networks Forum.
Barry lives on family farm in the Cooneen area of County Fermanagh and is a member of his local community group Cooneen / Coonian Community Development Association.
Frances Spence
Network Administrator
Frances lives in Ardess, Co Fermanagh is married and has two grown up children and two grandsons. In her spare time she enjoys going to concerts, walking and enjoys taking a holiday.
Frances is an active Select Vestry member of St Mary's Ardess Church of Ireland in the Parish of Magheraculmoney.
Frances is a Director of The Courthouse Kesh Limited who have recently constructed a Multi-Purpose Building that cost over £450K that is now delivering a range of services including, foodbank provision, advice & information, health & wellbeing courses, befriending for the population of Kesh and surrounding communities of North Fermanagh and a coffee shop open to the public.
Frances is Assistant Guide Leader with North Fermanagh Rangers.
Frances is a member of her local Ardess Community Association.
Frances has been employed as the Administrator for Fermanagh Rural Community Network since 1998.
Frances has represented the rural communities of County Fermanagh on the Board of Rural Community Network (NI) since 2007.